Designing Effective Exterior Signage: Tips for Business Owners

effective exterior signage

Exterior signage plays a vital role in attracting customers and making a great first impression. It’s often the first thing people notice about your business, and it can greatly influence their decision to walk in or pass by. For business owners, having effective exterior signage is a simple but powerful way to boost visibility and drive traffic. In this blog, we’ll explore tips for designing exterior signage that works for your business.

1. Keep It Simple and Clear

When designing exterior signage, the key is to keep it simple and easy to read. Your sign should quickly communicate your business name and what you offer. Avoid cluttering the sign with too much text or information, as this can make it difficult to read from a distance. Stick to clear, bold fonts and concise messaging.

For example, if you run a café, a simple sign that says “Brew Café – Coffee & Snacks” is more effective than a long description of your menu. People driving or walking by should be able to read and understand your sign in just a few seconds.

2. Choose the Right Colors

Color plays an important role in signage design. Bright, contrasting colors can help your sign stand out, but it’s also important to choose colors that align with your brand. For example, if your business colors are blue and white, those should be the primary colors on your sign.

Make sure there’s enough contrast between the background and text so that your sign is easily readable. Dark text on a light background or light text on a dark background tends to work best. Additionally, use colors that are inviting and match the tone of your business. A bold red might work well for a fast-food restaurant, but a calming blue might be better suited for a spa.

3. Use High-Quality Materials

Your exterior signage is exposed to weather conditions like sun, rain, and wind, so it’s important to use durable, high-quality materials. Signs made from poor-quality materials can fade, crack, or wear out quickly, giving a bad impression of your business. Invest in materials that are weather-resistant and designed to last.

Consider options like aluminum, acrylic, or weather-treated wood, depending on the style of your business. High-quality materials not only ensure that your sign looks good for a long time but also show that you care about the quality of your brand.

4. Make It Visible

Your sign needs to be visible from a distance to attract the attention of people passing by. To make sure your sign stands out, place it in a location where it’s easy to see. If your business is on a busy street, position the sign at eye level or above, where it can be seen by drivers and pedestrians.

Lighting is another factor to consider. If your business operates at night, illuminated signage is a must. Backlit signs or spotlighted signs ensure that your business is visible even after dark. This can help attract customers who are driving by in the evening or looking for a place to stop.

5. Incorporate Your Branding

Your exterior signage is an important part of your overall brand identity. The design, colors, and fonts should match your brand’s look and feel. Consistency in branding helps build recognition, and when customers see your signage, they should immediately connect it to your business.

Incorporate your logo, company colors, and taglines where appropriate. This not only helps with brand recognition but also creates a more professional and polished appearance. When customers see cohesive branding, they are more likely to remember your business.

6. Consider the Location

The location of your exterior signage is critical. Think about where most of your foot traffic or vehicle traffic comes from and place your sign in a location that maximizes visibility. If your business is on a corner, consider placing signs on both sides for more exposure.

Also, be sure to check local regulations and zoning laws regarding signage placement. Some areas may have restrictions on sign size, height, or even lighting. Ensuring that your sign complies with these rules will save you from potential fines and delays.

7. Add a Call to Action

A good exterior sign can also serve as a marketing tool by including a call to action. This doesn’t have to be complicated—something as simple as “Open Now” or “Come In” can encourage people to take the next step. You can also promote a special offer or sale on your sign to entice customers to visit your store.

Calls to action help create urgency and motivate people to check out what you have to offer. It turns a simple sign into an invitation to enter your business.


Designing effective exterior signage is a smart investment for business owners. By keeping the design simple, using high-quality materials, ensuring visibility, and incorporating your branding, you can create a sign that attracts attention and helps grow your business. Whether you’re looking to improve foot traffic or build brand awareness, a well-designed sign can make all the difference. With these tips, you’re well on your way to creating exterior signage that works for your business.